Monday, January 26, 2009

Thank You:)

Thanks for all the warm congratulations over the weekend:) I'm starting to settle down and get back to work this morning.

Today I have to mail in my contract and start work on the cover form. I'm also doing laundry; my oldest went on a BSA campout and I think he wore everything he owns in order to stay warm and dry. He had a great time, but the majority of his wardrobe, including three fleece blankets, are wet, cold, and in the laundry chute.

I also need to go to the store and get a few staples, as snow is coming through our area. We're supposed to get 2-3 inches tonight and another 4-6 inches tomorrow night! I probably won't leave the house until Thursday...

Back to reality. I promise no more gushing until my release date is known. Okay, who am I kidding? Anything related to this contract is going to be blog post fodder, ha ha!

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