Thursday, February 21, 2008

Who Am I?

I'm the'wild side' of Molly Daniels. I decided I wanted to have my name on her erotic books, so her younger readers aren't exposed to inappropriate material.

My favorite e-authors are Amarinda Jones, Anny Cook, Brynn Paulin, Bronwyn Green, Kaenar Langford, and Claire Thompson. And I just read Kelly Kirch's first book, and loved it also.

I admire these ladies because they can write and write and write...I can only write when the muse hits me upside the head and demands I write down what the voices are saying in my head. Sometimes this only takes a month; sometimes it comes in sprints. Right now, I've got two books written...Wild at Heart (earlier rejected by Cerridwen Press under Molly's name), which I'm going to polish and send it on its merry submission path, and Head of the Class, which was written during the NaNo challenge and nearly fried my creative brain! I need to go back and tidy it up before it is ready to send out. And I'm working on a third which currently has no title, but is well into chapter three. More on this one as it progresses. I'm in a non-writing mode at the moment.

Of course, if Molly didn't have kids, I could probably churn the books out every other month or so, but at the same time, we'd have to get a job. And I kind of like staying home, although our situation is changing and we're going back into the working world again soon.

So that's a little about me. For being only 2 days old, I'm still figuring out how to handle this whole thing. Some days, our posts may overlap; some days I may blog about what's on my mind. So keep checking back:) I do have it on good authority that Molly's thinking of having a contest real soon. Unfortunately, I won't be able to enter it.

Tell me about yourself. What scenarios do you want to read about? I'm getting into some of the sex toys, and dealt with some light bondage, but not much else. So send me some ideas or at least let me know what GBLT means...I see it on the LRC calendar and it's got my stymied...I finally figured out BSDM and D/s. Don't know if I'll get brave enough to venture there...


Brynn Paulin said...

You need to find something which feels right to you and go from there. If not, it will come off wrong. Whatever you choose, RESEARCH RESEARCH RESEARCH!! I have a nearly 300 page document I've put together that I call my BDSM primer. Research and comfort are imperative.

Kenzie Michaels said...

Thanks for the advice, Brynn:)