Correction: In case you missed it, my cookie recipe last week had a typo in it. I use a 10 oz bag of chocolate chips, not 16 oz!
This week's topic is tough. Before I was published, my main accomplishment was the fact I'd graduated college, had given birth to two amazing children, and despite some rocky times, remained married, even though the 'D' word had come up a few times.
At the beginning of 2003, I was flying high. My first 'baby' was published, though under a different name.
Another child made his appearance, shocking the hell out of me. I'd thought my baby days were well behind me, for at least another ten or so years, and they'd be grandchildren!
Here it is, 2017, and what have I accomplished?
Hitting #3 on the ARE Best Seller list in 2009 with All She Ever Wanted
Heart's Last Chance sold 47 copies in one month in 2014, causing me to email our bookkeeper with the 'are you sure that's accurate?' question.....yes, it was!
I've published 10 books under my name, and 7 titles, plus four short stories and a poem under another name, bringing the total to 21, with three more due out next year.
We bought our 2nd house last year, and for an early Christmas present, we used our insurance settlement money as a down payment on a 2017 GMC truck. Same make and model as the one involved in the wreck at the end of October, only newer. And with heated seats! Did I mention it's also in MY name? LOL!
And yes, we're past the 26.5 year mark, and the 'D' word hasn't risen its ugly head since last summer, when I spent 3 weeks house sitting for my parents, and he was none too happy about it. He was VERY happy to have me back, though.
So while I can't pin down ONE accomplishment, I think my score card's pretty good:)
Now if I could just make the USA Today's Best Seller list....or actually have my royalties every month support more than just a couple of jello shots every week at karaoke!
To see what other authors view as their Biggest Accomplishments, click here.
A very fine list of accomplishments, indeed. Enjoyed your post :)
Congratulations on having so many titles out in the world! We should probably all give ourselves a pat on the back for rocking and rolling with life's ups and downs!
Oh, and congrats on the heated seats! I live with a guy who drives with the window down and the heater off, no matter the temperature outside. Heated seats are a MUST on any vehicle we purchase.
Your list of accomplishments echoes mine. Creating a lasting marriage is indeed an accomplishment. And writing 21 books? C'est magnifique!
A fine list of accomplishment. A grand reflection to end the year.
VERY impressive list of accomplishments, so congratulations and good luck in the future! Thanks for sharing!
I have my first car with heated seats and they are awesome. You've shared a fantastic list of accomplishments. It was a pleasure to read about them.
Congrats on amazing accomplishments! Best seller- whoop whoop! P.S. I love heated seats!!
شركة سما الصقر
نحن متخصصون في أعمال كشف التسربات المياة في الرياض وكذلك في أعمال الترميمات وأعمال ترميمات السباكة وأعمال الدهانات وتنفيذ أحدث أنواع الديكورات , وكذلك متخصصون في أعمال العزل الحراري للأسطح والعزل المائي لأسطح العقارات والفلل في الرياض وعموم أنحاء المملكة العربية السعودية
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هل تحتاج إلى قرض شرعي وصادق ومحترم وعاجل؟ ينتهي بحثك عن قرض شرعي هنا اليوم لأننا هنا لتلبية احتياجاتك المالية ، إذا تم رفض قرضك من قبل البنوك أو المؤسسات المالية لأي سبب ، فلا داعي للقلق بعد الآن بشأن مشاكلك المالية لأننا نحن الحل لمحنتك المالية ، قدمنا المليارات (عملات مختلفة)) في شكل قروض تجارية لأكثر من 32000 من أصحاب الأعمال ، ونستخدم تكنولوجيا المخاطر المخصصة لدينا لتزويدك بقرض الأعمال المناسب حتى تتمكن من تنمية عملك. نقدم قروضاً من جميع الأنواع بفائدة منخفضة ومدة سداد القرض. هل لديك سوء الائتمان؟ هل تحتاج المال لدفع الفواتير؟ أو تشعر أنه من الضروري بدء عمل تجاري جديد؟ هل لديك مشروع غير مكتمل بسبب ضعف التمويل؟ هل تحتاج إلى أموال للاستثمار في أي تخصص يفيدك؟ شركة تكرير القروض الإسلامية
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