Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Slacker Reporting In...

Okay; I do have a legitimate excuse for not blogging...I've been editing every single day now.

We've been through each chapter twice, with the exception of #5 and the Epilogue. Ch 5 has some issues; I sent it off to a trusted blogmate for her opinion on what to add to it. And now Chuck sends me a note...

"I know you have a zestier ending in you once the cold abates!" Thanks, Chuck...Don't like my ending? YOU write it! (Just kidding...)

Seriously, my creativity has been slowed down by two factors:

a) I have a cold, and while at first I thought I was about to cough up a lung, now I simply want to cut my head off from the nose up.

b) I've fallen prey to the bane of all writers, which is the simple fact I LIKE what I've written and don't want to change it! Pardon me while I throw a mini-tantrum...No! Don't wanna change it! It's brilliant! Can't you see that?

Sigh...but since I can't go prima donna on my editor, I'll have to suck it up and change it. After all, I can live with the other changes; what's two more?

It just goes back to the fact I have a slight tendancy to fall in love with each and every word I write. I proved in jr high, high school, and college I'm perfectly capable of creating a first-draft 'B' paper. Since I wasn't an over-achiever, I was perfectly happy with my 'C+', 'B' or even 'B+' papers and didn't try for the 'A'.

But when you're being published, you have to aim for the brass ring and go for that 'A'. Otherwise, reviewers will tear you to shreds, your editor will refuse to work with you, and hey...word will get out you're 'difficult'. Since I don't want that reputation, I guess I'll get back to work. I DO want people to read this, after all, and buy more of my work!

Slinking back into my cave...or should that be well? (See 'Men are From Mars')


Gracen Miller said...

Aww...Kenzie, I'm so sorry you're sick.

This line: "Thanks, Chuck...Don't like my ending? YOU write it! (Just kidding...)" I am sorry to say had me dying with laughter. lol

Good luck in the edits. I sometimes find editing to be more difficult than the writing. And like you, I am attached to my writing, each character is special and all of them are my babies. As a mother, no one should pick on our babies! *gasp* God forbide--right! :D


Molly Daniels said...

For the ending, how about 'And they lived happily ever after.'
