Thursday, May 11, 2017

Writer's Guide To Creating A Hero-Revised #MFRW Authors #19

First of all, a confession:  I have shamelessly stolen my own post from 2009 on this topic, but have updated it slightly:)  

Physical Requirements:
-6 feet tall or more
-Expressive eyes; color not important
-Kissable lips
-Broad shoulders
-Light sprinkling of chest hair (or none)
-Lean muscles; no Mr. Universe wannabees
-8-10" cock (or at least have a 'massive' erection)

Character/Personality Traits:
-Must be flawed, either by past hurt or misunderstanding/lapse in judgement
-Kind, but staunch defender of values
-Willing to do Whatever It Takes to keep chosen female in his life
-Carry a never-ending supply of condoms
-Must be a committment-phobe before meeting said female (in some books, anyway!)
-Occupation: Doesn't matter.
-Oh yeah; must be SINGLE! Don't want any cheaters here...then he gets downgraded to the 'slimy ex-prick' status.

Sprinkle in hair color, eye color, a chance encounter with female, and heart-stopping, instant connection, along with mind-blowing sex and you've accomplished your goal: An erotic romance hero.

Some authors build their stories around heroes with money, be it any high-powered career. Others go for Public Service. Some go for the blue collar man. They all have the above characteristics and fall head over heels in love with the woman (or man!) of their choice. Yes, M/M is hot right now, as is M/M/F or M/F/M. 

Some heroes are wolf/bear/dragon shifters; others vampires.  Right now, I happen to be writing aliens, fairies, and ghosts.  But they all pretty much follow the same above formula. 

So what works for you?  Or would you add anything else to this list?  

To see other authors' ideas on The Ideal Hero, click here.

If you happen to be in the Evansville area next Monday, stop by B&N on Green River Rd and say hi to myself and the rest of the River City Writers, plus grab a copy of Crossroads and have it signed by all of us:)


Alina K. Field said...

That is a very thorough list, Kenzie!

Meka James said...

LOLing at the cock size and the never ending supply of condoms.

RaineB said...

Funny and interesting. I'd have liked to read your 2009 list! :D Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

From your list, I almost think that any kind of man can be a romantic hero, in the hands of a good writer.

Kenzie Michaels said...

Thanks everyone:) Yes Meka....I also have to laugh at the fact some heroes ALWAYS seem prepared:) That's why in my latest book, the hero actually has to go BUY another box!